Mental Health


There's no denying that mental health has been a particularly hot topic for quite some time now, and awareness of the dreaded symptoms are at an all-time high. However, not all attention has been good attention; folk have been questioning the severity (and validity) of mental illness, as well as how it affects people, and… Continue reading #MedsWorkedForMe

Mental Health

Let’s talk about mental health as a writer

As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in my living-room (my designated working space), desperate to be productive. I have a brand new notebook, brand new pens (coloured fine-liners to be snazzy!), and an iced soy chai latte from Starbucks. All of these things give me the illusion that I’m about to do something big, but… Continue reading Let’s talk about mental health as a writer

Mental Health

It’s okay to be a drop-out

Mental health can be a royal b*tch, to say the least. I’ve spent the past couple of years juggling my depression and anxiety with student life and, honestly? It’s not for everybody. Sure, getting a degree would have been ideal, and it would look awesome on my resume, but why risk my mental stability for… Continue reading It’s okay to be a drop-out